Why I Love Desklog-Review of the Best Time Tracking Software

Desklog Time Tracking software


Time Tracking software

Time tracking software to maximize productivity, designed to track work hours.

Key Features of Desklog

  • 🕒

    Automated Time Tracking: Capture work activities in real-time for accurate time management.

  • Effortless Task Management: Create, assign, and track tasks seamlessly.

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    Comprehensive Project Planning: Gain clear insights into tasks, deadlines, and milestones.

  • 🤝

    Collaboration and Communication: Foster teamwork through file sharing, comments, and messaging.

  • 📸

    Screenshots and Activity Tracking: Monitor remote work patterns and task accountability.

  • 📊

    Detailed Reports and Analytics: Access insights for data-driven decision-making.

  • 🔗

    Seamless Integration: Connect with existing tools to streamline workflow.

  • 💲

    Flexible Pricing Plans: Choose from a range of plans to suit individual or team needs.


  • Overall Rating:
  • Ease of Use:
  • Features:
  • Integration:
  • Value for Money:
  • Customer Support:


  • Automated time tracking enhances accuracy
  • Effortless task management and organization
  • Clear project planning and milestone tracking
  • Facilitates collaboration and team messaging
  • Screenshot capture for remote team monitoring
  • Detailed reports and analytics for insights
  • Seamless integration with various tools
  • Flexible pricing plans to suit different needs


  • Limited customization for some features
  • No mobile app for on-the-go tracking
  • Occasional glitches or technical issues
  • No live chat support for immediate assistance

Desklog: Elevate Productivity with Powerful Features

In the realm of efficient task management and streamlined project collaboration, Desklog emerges as a game-changing solution. In today’s digital landscape, where managing tasks, projects and team communications can become overwhelming, Desklog comes to play as a powerful ally.

Navigating the complexities of work assignments, deadlines, and team dynamics can often be a challenge, consuming precious time and resources. This is where Desklog takes center stage, offering a comprehensive platform designed to simplify your workflow, enhance teamwork, and elevate productivity.

Just as TimeSync revolutionized appointment scheduling, Desklog steps in to transform the way you approach task management and project coordination. In this in-depth review, we’ll explore Desklog’s features, advantages and unique offerings that set it apart in the realm of productivity tools. Much like our previous assessments of other tools like TidyCal, Calendbook.com, and Timerise, this review sheds light on the distinctive features that make Desklog a standout performer.

Who Needs Desklog?

Desklog is tailored for a wide range of professionals, from solo entrepreneurs to remote teams and large organizations. Its versatility makes it an invaluable asset for project managers, freelancers, remote workers, and anyone seeking a powerful tool to optimize their work processes. Whether you’re juggling multiple projects, overseeing a team, or simply aiming to achieve better time management, Desklog offers the tools you need to succeed.

Key Features of Desklog

Desklog offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to optimize your workflow, enhance collaboration, and improve overall productivity. Let’s explore some of its standout features that can transform the way you manage tasks, projects, and team communication:

Automated Time Tracking and Monitoring

Desklog’s automated time tracking captures your work activities in real-time, providing an accurate representation of how your time is spent. It records the applications used, websites visited, and tasks completed, helping you analyze productivity patterns and make informed decisions. I have found this feature incredibly useful in gaining insights into my work habits and identifying areas for improvement.

Effortless Task Management

With Desklog’s task management capabilities, you can create, assign, and track tasks effortlessly. The platform’s intuitive interface ensures that you can organize your to-do list, set priorities, and monitor progress seamlessly.

Comprehensive Project Planning

Desklog aids in effective project planning by offering a clear overview of tasks, deadlines, and milestones. This feature enables you to set achievable project goals and track the advancement of projects with ease.

Collaboration and Communication

Desklog facilitates collaboration within teams by providing features like file sharing, comments, and team messaging. Regardless of your team’s geographical location, Desklog ensures smooth communication and seamless cooperation.

Screenshots and Activity Tracking

For remote teams or those requiring accountability, Desklog offers screenshot capture and activity tracking. Managers can monitor work patterns and ensure that tasks are being executed efficiently.

Detailed Reports and Analytics

Desklog generates comprehensive reports and analytics, shedding light on individual and team performance. These insights empower you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your productivity strategies.

Seamless Integration

Desklog integrates seamlessly with a range of applications, enabling you to connect with tools you already use. This integration further streamlines your workflow and enhances efficiency.

Flexible Pricing Plans

Desklog offers a range of pricing plans to cater to different needs, whether you’re an individual user or part of a team. This flexibility ensures that you can choose a plan that aligns with your requirements and budget.

Our Own Experience with Desklog

Having delved into the features and potential of Desklog, it’s time to share our personal experiences with this powerful task management and collaboration tool. As professionals who value efficiency and streamlined workflows, we were eager to put Desklog to the test and assess how it could impact our daily routines.

The initial impression was how quickly Desklog integrated into our work processes. The user-friendly interface made the setup process seamless, allowing us to get started with minimal effort. This was particularly advantageous, as it meant we could focus on the tasks at hand rather than spending excessive time navigating a complex setup.

One of the standout aspects for us was the Task Management feature. The ability to create, assign, and track tasks in a single platform transformed the way we approached our work. No longer were tasks scattered across different applications or lost in email threads. With Desklog, we could assign tasks to team members, set deadlines, and easily track progress from a central dashboard.

However, what truly impressed us was Desklog’s Time Tracking functionality. We were amazed by how effortless it was to accurately record the time spent on each task. This not only provided us with insights into our productivity patterns but also enabled us to assess project timelines more effectively. The transparency brought about by time tracking was invaluable, especially when collaborating on time-sensitive projects.

The Team Collaboration features were another highlight of our experience. With remote work becoming increasingly common, Desklog’s ability to facilitate communication and collaboration within teams was a game-changer. File sharing, comments, and team messaging streamlined our discussions and decision-making, bridging the gap between team members regardless of their physical locations.

Screenshots and Activity Tracking, designed with remote teams in mind, added an extra layer of accountability. While we initially had reservations about the concept, the implementation within Desklog felt non-intrusive and respectful of privacy. It allowed us to gain insights into work patterns and identify areas for optimization without compromising trust.

As professionals who value data-driven decision-making, Desklog’s Reports and Analytics features were a pleasant surprise. The platform generated detailed reports that highlighted our individual and team performance metrics. This data allowed us to identify trends, strengths, and areas for improvement, ultimately contributing to more informed choices in our work strategies.

Desklog’s Integration capabilities rounded off our experience. The seamless integration with existing tools further simplified our workflow. Rather than juggling multiple applications, Desklog acted as a centralized hub, enhancing our efficiency and reducing the risk of tasks slipping through the cracks.


Free$0Unlimited Users, Tracking, Projects, Automated Timesheet
Business$3.50/User/MonthFree Plan + Productivity Billing, Shift Management, Reports, Role Management
Enterprise$4.50/User/MonthBusiness Plan + Leave Management, App & URL Tracking, Premium Support

You can check pricing from their official website

Desklog Pricing Table on AppSumo

The Desklog lifetime deal on AppSumo is a fantastic opportunity for freelancers, remote teams, and small businesses to invest in a comprehensive time tracking and project management solution at a significantly discounted price. With one-time purchase options ranging from $33 to $99, users can access a wide array of features that include automated time tracking, billing and invoicing, project and task time tracking, and much more.

This is not just a cost-effective investment but also a strategic one, as the software aims to enhance productivity, streamline work processes, and provide valuable insights into work patterns. The 60-day money-back guarantee and the requirement to redeem codes within 60 days add an extra layer of security and flexibility to this limited-time offer.

PlanOriginal PriceAppsumo Life-time DealUsers
Plan 1$336$338
Plan 2$672$6616
Plan 3$1,008$9925

*All standard features including automated time tracking, billing & invoice, etc.

How to Use Desklog: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Sign Up and Create an Account: Visit Desklog’s website and sign up for an account. Fill in the required details to create your profile.
  2. Explore the Dashboard: Upon logging in, familiarize yourself with the dashboard. This is your central hub for accessing tasks, projects, time tracking, and collaboration tools.
  3. Add Tasks: Start by adding tasks to your dashboard. Assign due dates and priorities to each task for effective task management.
  4. Time Tracking: Use Desklog’s integrated time tracking feature to monitor the time you spend on each task. This information helps in analyzing your productivity patterns.
  5. Project Planning: If you’re working on projects, create projects and set milestones. Assign tasks to specific projects and team members for organized project management.
  6. Collaborate with Team Members: Invite team members to collaborate on projects. Share files, leave comments, and engage in discussions within the platform.
  7. Screenshots and Activity Tracking: If desired, activate the screenshot capture and activity tracking feature for enhanced accountability. This is particularly useful for remote teams.
  8. Generate Reports: Explore the reporting section to generate insights into your work patterns and productivity. Use these reports to make informed decisions.
  9. Integrate with Tools: Desklog integrates with various tools to streamline your workflow. Connect your favorite apps to enhance your productivity further.
  10. Customize Settings: Tailor Desklog to your preferences by adjusting settings related to notifications, integrations, and more.
  11. Utilize Analytics: Regularly review the analytics provided by Desklog. Identify areas where you can improve your efficiency and time management.
  12. Stay Updated: Desklog is regularly updated with new features and improvements. Stay informed about these updates to make the most of the platform’s capabilities.

With these steps, you’re well-equipped to navigate Desklog and harness its features for enhanced productivity, task management, and team collaboration.


As we conclude our exploration of Desklog, let’s take a moment to consider some alternatives to this robust productivity and task management tool. The market offers a range of options that cater to different preferences and requirements. Here are some alternatives from the table of contents that you might want to explore:

  1. Trackabi Time Tracker App: If your focus is on efficient time tracking and management, Trackabi provides a user-friendly platform with robust tracking capabilities. We’ve dedicated an in-depth article to exploring how Trackabi can help you streamline your time management practices.
  2. Tickkl: For those seeking an alternative that excels in task management and team collaboration, Tickkl is a notable contender. Our comprehensive article delves into Tickkl’s features and how they contribute to seamless project workflows and effective communication.
  3. Peoplebox: If employee engagement and performance management are your priorities, Peoplebox offers a comprehensive solution. Our dedicated article provides insights into how Peoplebox can foster a positive work environment and contribute to employee growth.
  4. Wellbee: Similarly focused on employee engagement, Wellbee offers tools to measure and improve workplace well-being. Our detailed article explores how Wellbee can positively impact your organization’s culture and employee satisfaction.
  5. Tap My Back: To strengthen team dynamics through recognition and feedback, Tap My Back offers a platform for fostering positive interactions. Our comprehensive article dives into how Tap My Back can create a culture of appreciation and collaboration within teams.

Each of these alternatives brings its unique features and strengths, so assess them based on your specific needs and preferences.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

How does Desklog enhance team collaboration?

Desklog fosters team collaboration through features like team messaging, file sharing, and comments on tasks. These tools ensure that team members can communicate effectively and work together seamlessly.

Can I use Desklog for remote team management?

Absolutely. Desklog's features, such as screenshot capture and activity tracking, are particularly useful for managing remote teams and ensuring accountability.

What sets Desklog apart from other productivity tools?

Desklog's integration of task management, time tracking, team collaboration, and reporting within a single platform is a key differentiator. This integration streamlines workflow and reduces the need for multiple tools.

Is Desklog suitable for individual professionals?

Yes, Desklog caters to both individual professionals and teams. Its flexible features allow users to adapt the tool to their unique work requirements.

Can I integrate Desklog with other applications?

Yes, Desklog offers integration options with various applications, allowing you to connect it with tools you already use to enhance your productivity.

What Can You Do Now?

Now that you have gained a solid understanding of Desklog’s capabilities and how it can elevate your productivity, it’s time to take the next steps towards optimizing your work processes. You can purchase the lifetime contract on Appsumo for a limited time, so don’t miss out on this great deal!

Steve Nicholas

Steve Nicholas

Affiliate Marketer and Writer

About the Writer

Hi, I’m Steve Nicholas, a writer and affiliate marketer from New Hampshire, USA. My goal is to craft informative and engaging content that empowers readers with knowledge. Join me on this journey!

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