Effortless Signatures: BunnyDoc Simplifies Document Approval


Legal Software

offers secure cloud storage and real-time collaboration for businesses, streamlining document management.

Key Features

  • 📝

    Intuitive Document Creation: Easily create professional documents with a user-friendly interface.

  • 📄

    Template Library: Access a wide range of document templates for contracts, proposals, invoices, and more.

  • 🤝

    Document Collaboration: Collaborate in real-time with team members or clients on documents.

  • 🔄

    Version Control: Keep track of document versions to maintain a complete history.

  • 🖋️

    Electronic Signatures: Sign documents digitally, eliminating the need for printing and scanning.

  • ☁️

    Secure Cloud Storage: Store documents securely in the cloud for easy access from anywhere.

  • 🔗

    Integration: Seamlessly integrates with popular productivity tools like Google Workspace and Microsoft Office.

  • 📊

    Document Analytics: Gain insights into document engagement with tracking and analytics features.


  • Overall Rating:
  • Ease of Use:
  • Features:
  • Customizability:
  • Security:
  • Customer Support:
  • Integration:
  • Cost-Effectiveness:


  • Intuitive Document Creation
  • Extensive Template Library
  • Seamless Document Collaboration
  • Version Control
  • Electronic Signatures
  • Secure Cloud Storage
  • Integration with Productivity Tools
  • Document Analytics


  • Limited free plan options
  • Dependency on an internet connection
  • May require a learning curve for new users
  • Electronic signatures might not be accepted in all cases
  • Basic plan limitations on document storage

BunnyDoc: The Definitive Solution for Legal Document Management

Navigating the complex landscape of document management in the modern business world is no small feat. With a myriad of documents—contracts, invoices, project files—teams are often bogged down in an avalanche of paperwork and digital clutter.

This is where BunnyDoc comes into play. Positioned as a next-level document management tool, BunnyDoc aims to streamline these often-convoluted processes. It offers features like real-time collaboration, version tracking, and automated approval workflows designed to enhance productivity.

In this comprehensive review, we will delve deep into BunnyDoc’s features and see how they compare to other industry players like Grabsign and ECOMPLY. Stay tuned as we uncover whether BunnyDoc is the game-changer you’ve been searching for.

Who Needs BunnyDoc?

BunnyDoc is particularly valuable for legal professionals—lawyers, paralegals, legal secretaries, and law firms who juggle numerous documents daily. It’s also useful for corporate legal departments, real estate professionals, and even freelancers who need to manage legal contracts and agreements meticulously. Simply put, if you are regularly dealing with legal documents, then BunnyDoc is a tool designed with you in mind.

Key Features of BunnyDoc

Real-Time Document Collaboration and Versioning

BunnyDoc provides an unparalleled real-time document collaboration experience, enabling multiple team members to work on a document concurrently. Changes are instantly reflected, and version control allows users to easily revert to previous iterations of a document if necessary. Personally, this feature incredibly helped me maintain effective communication and seamless workflow during urgent projects that had tight deadlines.

Advanced Security Protocols and Access Controls

A standout feature of BunnyDoc is its focus on stringent security measures. The platform offers encrypted file storage, two-factor authentication, and granular permission settings. You can control exactly who has access to what information, adding an extra layer of security and confidentiality to your projects.

Integrated Communication Tools for In-Document Collaboration

Another feature that sets BunnyDoc apart is the ability to chat, comment, and discuss projects right within the documents themselves. Say goodbye to constantly switching between email threads, chat apps, and your documents; now, everything is integrated for your convenience.

Task Management and Deadline Tracking

BunnyDoc adds efficiency to your workflow by allowing task assignment within each document. Assign tasks to team members, set deadlines, and even track the completion status of these tasks. As a project manager, I found this all-in-one functionality incredibly useful for streamlining processes and staying on top of project timelines.

Digital Signature and Approval Routing

For businesses that require multi-tier approvals, BunnyDoc has a feature that supports digital signatures and approval routing. Whether your approval process is sequential or simultaneous, BunnyDoc adapts to your needs, ensuring that your documents meet all legal and procedural requirements.

Multi-Platform Accessibility

BunnyDoc’s cloud-based architecture means that it’s accessible from various platforms—desktop, tablet, and mobile. This feature ensures that you can stay productive regardless of your location.

Our Own Experience

BunnyDoc transformed my approach to document management. Previously, managing documents was a time-consuming task, but BunnyDoc’s intuitive interface made it hassle-free. I can now categorize, tag, and preview documents effortlessly, improving productivity and task prioritization.

The collaboration tool is another game-changer. It enables real-time editing and annotations, eliminating version control issues that previously hampered team efficiency. It’s streamlined communication and significantly boosted productivity.

What’s more, BunnyDoc’s electronic signature feature has simplified contract processes, allowing for secure and quick verifications without the cumbersome steps of print-sign-scan-email.

Also noteworthy is the analytics tool, providing insights into document access and usage. This data-driven perspective is invaluable for focusing efforts on high-impact tasks.

Since implementing BunnyDoc, both team productivity and client interactions have improved substantially. It’s not just a tool; it’s a comprehensive solution that’s fundamentally changed the way we manage workflows.

Pricing Plan

Free$0$05 signature requests, basic integrations
Personal$18$194.4Unlimited signatures, 5 templates, in-person signatures
Business$35$37815 templates, team settings, bulk send, branding

Note: For full pricing and features, visit BunnyDoc’s official website.

Appsumo Lifetime Deal

BunnyDoc’s lifetime deal on AppSumo is a steal at $69, down from $420. Need more? Plans at $138 and $207 offer up to 1,500 signature requests and 10 team members. Features include custom branding, audit trails, and integrations with Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive. It’s GDPR and AATL-compliant, ensuring document safety. A 60-day money-back guarantee makes this a risk-free investment.

Certainly, here’s a compact version of the BunnyDoc pricing table based on the AppSumo offer:

BunnyDoc AppSumo Pricing

PlanOrig. PriceAppsumo Lifetime DealSignature Requests/MonthTeam MembersForm Links
  • All features included
  • 60-day MBG
  • Redeem in 60 days
  • Future updates

How to Use BunnyDoc

Using BunnyDoc is as straightforward as it gets. Here’s a quick guide to get you started:

Step 1: Account Setup

Upon visiting the BunnyDoc website, click on the ‘Sign Up’ button. Fill in the required information to set up your account.

Step 2: Organize Your Workspace

After you log in, you’ll find options to create folders and categorize your documents. Take a few minutes to set up a structure that suits your needs.

Step 3: Upload Documents

Click on the ‘Upload’ button to add documents. BunnyDoc supports multiple file formats including PDFs, Word documents, and even multimedia files.

Step 4: Invite Team Members

If you’re working in a team, you can invite other members to join your BunnyDoc workspace. Just go to ‘Settings’ and click on ‘Invite Members.’ They can then collaborate on documents in real-time.

Step 5: Enable Version Control (Optional)

For collaborative projects, enabling version control is a wise choice. It allows you to track changes and revert to previous versions if needed.

Step 6: Use Smart Search

Whenever you need to find a document, simply use the Smart Search bar at the top. You can search by keywords, author names, or even content within the document.

Step 7: Access on Mobile

One of BunnyDoc’s advantages is its mobile compatibility. You can access your documents on the go through the mobile app, available for both iOS and Android.

That’s all you need to get started with BunnyDoc. It’s designed to be simple yet effective, and our experience confirms that it delivers on both fronts.

Alternatives to BunnyDoc

When considering a product like BunnyDoc, it’s always a good idea to explore alternative solutions. After all, each software comes with its unique set of features, pricing, and user experience. To help you make an informed decision, we have listed some alternatives below that you might find interesting:

  1. Grabsign: Grabsign is a versatile tool that not only handles document signing but also offers appointment scheduling features. It’s an all-in-one solution for managing documents and meetings. Dive deeper into Grabsign’s scheduling capabilities in our review.
  2. Certyfile-Blockchain Certification: This tool goes beyond just document certification; it also includes a scheduling component. You can certify documents and schedule meetings in one platform. Explore our review of Certyfile for insights into its scheduling capabilities.
  3. ECOMPLY: ECOMPLY, known for its compliance management, also offers scheduling features. It ensures that your compliance meetings are well-organized and on time. Learn more about ECOMPLY’s scheduling functionalities in our dedicated review.
  4. Clawdia: Clawdia, with its advanced project management capabilities, includes a powerful scheduling module. It’s an excellent choice for teams looking to manage projects and schedules in one place. Discover more about Clawdia’s scheduling prowess in our review.

Each of these tools, though primarily focused on their core functions, provides scheduling features that can suit various needs. To find the one that best aligns with your requirements, explore our in-depth reviews of these alternatives.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does BunnyDoc Differ from Other Document Management Solutions?

BunnyDoc offers a unique blend of features, including advanced searching capabilities and the ability to link related documents. This makes it stand out from many other document management solutions available on the market.

Is BunnyDoc Suitable for Small Businesses?

Absolutely, BunnyDoc offers a scalable solution that can fit businesses of any size, from startups to large enterprises.

What Types of Documents Can I Store in BunnyDoc?

BunnyDoc supports a wide range of file formats, including PDFs, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and more.

Is BunnyDoc Cloud-Based or Can I Host it On-Premises?

BunnyDoc is a cloud-based solution, but it also offers an on-premises option for those who require it.

How Secure is BunnyDoc?

Security is a top priority for BunnyDoc. They use advanced encryption methods to ensure that your documents are safe and secure at all times.

What Can You Do Now?

Following this insightful review of BunnyDoc, it’s evident that BunnyDoc is a game-changer for document management. If you’re ready to simplify your document tasks and enhance your productivity, we strongly recommend exploring BunnyDoc. Plus, keep in mind that there’s a limited-time lifetime deal available on Appsumo, so seize this opportunity now!

Steve Nicholas

Steve Nicholas

Affiliate Marketer and Writer

About the Writer

Hi, I’m Steve Nicholas, a writer and affiliate marketer from New Hampshire, USA. My goal is to craft informative and engaging content that empowers readers with knowledge. Join me on this journey!

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